Upswing Product Updates — May 1, 2020

Emily Andre
Published in
2 min readMay 1, 2020


It’s been a while since we’ve shared a Product Update! Most of our product enhancements lately have been behind the scenes, but we’ve recently made some changes which most users will get to experience first-hand!

Audio/Video in Safari VLC Sessions

When a user enters a session, the audio/video testing tool immediately populates to ensure that everything is working before launching the VLC. When using Safari, users were finding that although the testing tool was signifying that the system was properly pulling in video and audio, once they joined the session, they couldn’t hear or see the other person.

No longer! Now, when using Safari, users can use the audio/video test tool at the beginning of the session and expect accurate results, along with successful audio/video.

Ana Messages for All

It’s not uncommon for a school faculty member to use Upswing under multiple different hats. For instance, they might serve as an Upswing administrator, tutor, and advisor — each of which are different roles in the system. We found that if Ana permission was given to a dual- or tri- role account, they weren’t able to receive Ana messages.

We’ve now made it so any role with the Ana permission enabled can receive text messages. Now, advisor-admin roles (or similar) will be able to:

  • Subscribe to Ana (option is now available in Communication Preferences)
  • Text, “Hey Ana” to the school’s phone number and interact with the decision trees
  • Receive broadcasts when sent to a group that includes the user, or to all
  • Show up as a user that the Owner can send individuals messages to
  • Show up in the conversation view (Owner-> Ana -> Conversations) as a normal user
  • Be able to be sent to the processor if I reach that point in a decision tree

Ahhh. That’s better 😄.

“I can’t see you…I can only see…me…” 🤔

During advising sessions, video feeds were not being published to the other participant; the video displayed locally, like a reflection, but wouldn’t send across.

Now, when a user enables their webcam, the other participant is able to see the user on video and have a seamless and hopefully meaningful connection 🤝.

Have any questions about what we just released? Want to share some feedback? Feel free to contact your HERO, or send us an email!

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