Upswing Product Updates — October 7, 2019

Justin Fowler
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2019


I’m very excited to share a few things we’ve been working on over this past summer that we’re finally able to roll out to students, so let’s dive in!

Schedule Tutoring Sessions via Ana

We’ve seen students quickly take to Ana as a one-stop shop for handling any questions they may have or getting access to helpful resources. That’s why we wanted to build a deep integration between Ana and tutoring. Starting today, students can request online tutoring sessions through Ana in one seamless conversation. As you can see in our demo, Ana first asks what subject the student needs help in. When available, this list is populated by the student’s actual class list and/or the subjects they’ve already received tutoring in. After that, Ana asks what time works best for the student. Each time displayed represents an actual available time slot from our pool of Upswing coaches. Lastly, once the session has been requested, students will be notified once the coach accepts the session. This message includes more info on how to join the session when the time comes. With scheduling one-on-one time with a tutor being easier than ever, we hope to see more students utilizing Ana to schedule their first tutoring session.

Advising Subjects and Reasons Improvements

We’ve pushed a couple of updates that should make dealing with advising reasons and subjects much easier. In the past, your list of available subjects would be shared between tutors and advisors, causing some confusion on both ends. Now, advising subjects are separate from tutoring subjects, making it much easier to manage both.

Another change is that session reasons are now customizable. Session reasons are used when a student is scheduling an advising session, as it can shed more light on why the session is occurring. If the default advising session reasons don’t work for you or need to be changed, let your HERO know and we can get it changed for you!

Have any questions about what we just released? Want to give us some feedback? Feel free to contact your HERO, or send us an email!

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Find me on Twitter @SomewhatJustin. Product Manager at Upswing.